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God bless my shitty little car, help me (buying new car you retards)
The Very End
S3 licensed
So, my poor little Atos is really struggeling, and it is getting close to the 2-year-inspection/repair (EU service). I can allready sence that my Hyundai is going to shit. The ABS brakes are faulty / the sencor/cencor (how you spell it) is pretty much dead, all the suspensions and springs (if there ever were some) are totally shit (it bounches over the speedbumbs now lol), the engine is pretty much dead performance wise - uses very much oil and fuel (also when inspecting the oil it does look like there is a lot of rust and water there, white foam) and the list goes on and on..

So, I am going to ignore everything wrong with it the next weeks before the controll, and don't even try using money on it.
I have desided that I am tired of the gambling on buying used cars, and instead I will aim for a economic and somewhat reasonable NEW car.
Yeah, **** me, the consuming pig ****er who hates the enviroment and all that.. but in the long run it seems to be a somewhat reasonable thing to do. Buying many used cars instead of just sticking to one new might pan out in the long run.

Nevertheless, fairly cheap, economic and generally O.K cars, WHAT THE **** should I buy?! I mean, the marked is flooded with different brands, modells, yearly productions and so on.
But, I have done some research, and specially two cars got into my attention: The Toyota Auris and Mazda 3 (2014 model).

So why these two? Because both of these modells (actually 3 modells, since I can either chose sedan or hatchback mazda) are somewhat reasonable new prized, ok safety and very economic.
Also I'm really having an good eye for the Mazda 3 Sedan, it looks... well it looks like a nice car to be honest. Nothing fancy dancy, just a ordinary O.K car for a nice amount of coins.

So what you guys think?
To me it seems Mazda has been very unfair downvoted by people, and all the "brotips" tells me that small mercedes'es or BMW's are the way to go, but they are both very much more expensive in price and driving economics.

Also, I'm thinking of doing diesel engine this time.
"Ahh you such, you god damn imbecile, the car will have no power, you fail at life" I KNOW GOD DAMNIT But, it uses so much less fuel compared to the normal petrol version. It's a little more expensive for the engine, but on just 1-2 years I will have saved that amount by the cheaper diesel prices. Also the diesel engine in the Mazda is 2.2L 150BHP, so it should be ok for the road.

So, enligheten me while you tell me how surprisingly retarded I am, on what to buy and not what to buy!

Edit: Attached pictures of the two alternatives.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
I ^^
Well, you will need a driver which is so sheit he most likely will end up spinning before leaving the start straight, so I'll guedd I could give it a try if it works out with my silly work tines.
Edit: lots of grammar error, hard to be on a phone :/
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Sounds reasonable Thanks! Love the yellow/white ferrari!
The Very End
S3 licensed
How big is the skins? Would it be possible to put them all in one winrar file? If not, superb reupload
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thank you
The Very End
S3 licensed
Can you upload it to a other page please? The page you link is utterly shit When I have waited those seconds for the download to start I allways get 404 error >. <
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha! If only I think my mediocre performance is not the setups fault (alltho I could wish) ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
I actually have to defend Boris here, as we are in same boat. Just because we want to drive the stock setup and see how fast we and others can go does not make us whiners. It does however show that we don't have the knowlege to be up with the elite, but thats ok for me. I just want to focus on the actually driving, alltho I understand that setups is a big part of game.

I for certain will not read books about it, mainly because it is not in my interest

So does that make us bad drivers? No. Lazy yes.
In real life racing, exactly how much of the setup does the drivers themself know ans choses to change? Or do they just drive and give feedback to their mechanics which then setups the car after the drivers imput?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Okok, so I see Im the only one beeing an asshat here
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :The pad looks interesting. They've done away with analogue sticks completely and given it dual trackpads instead. ... steam-controller-revealed

Thats the ugliest dildo I ever saw.

However, it seems everything Steam OS does - other can and have done before. So why changing from the old to this?
(Yeahyeah I know I sound like an old far now "OLD IS BEST", but I hope you see my point )
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Yeah I know, LFS really is awesome for feel but if you stay still, things tend to catch up !.

Really, try Power and Glory, IMHO, its awesome. If you love offroad, try RSRBR, that's also great.

Im really looking forward to whatever LFS can do, but, key words are, looking forward.........

I havn't tried AC yet but.........

Give it a try. Just make sure to have a good computer
The Very End
S3 licensed
Auch, want a bro-hug Boris?
And you complain about the time? I tried it, 7 seconds behind WR at first try lol
The Very End
S3 licensed
You dump ****, dem boobs
The Very End
S3 licensed
Indeed :] Maybe two hotlap charts even, one for fixed setups / settings, and a other "free for all" thingy?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Fixed setups kills hotlapping imo. That should be part of getting faster and knowing the car's every part.

Quote from DeKo :Fixed racing is the worst thing that ever happened to online sims. I'm not exactly good at setting up cars but I can tune them to my own preference with only a few simple adjustments easily enough, it's not hard. Fixed sets suit certain people far more than others so it's basically just your luck whether the person who made the setup has a similar driving style to you.

When it comes to the actually racing, then I'm not so much of a fan for fixed setups. But the idea of hotlapping is to have the same car at same track at same conditions, and the fastest / best man wins. Now I don't say the fastest do not win, but when you trick with TC settings, weather temp, unrealistic setups, dodgy driving lines and generally tries to find absolutely everything possible to gain unfair advantages... well then I'm not sure if it's keeping faithfull to the whole idea of fastest-man-wins.

Maybe it's just me, and as said, for racing I'm all up for setups and what not, but for hotlapping there should be absolutely no differences, only skill which would deside who wins (then again we could discuss that skill is also about knowing how to set up the car and so on, and I'll agree it's a bit shallow).
The Very End
S3 licensed
IMO setup changes, weather changes and so on should be disabled in hotlap mode. Sure, alltho it is a bit stupid, then we know everyone is racing the EXACT same thing. That people are able to tweak temperatures to find max benefits, tweaking the traction controll, tweaking the car... it just gets too silly - alltho it's perfecly acceptable.

Fixed setup, both cars and track wise, and we can truelly start to call it hoptlaping.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :You probably need to turn down the gain a bit and add a little filter or damping. If you're spending such effort fighting it you must have settings that are making it as bad as it can be. For me the worst part isn't the oscillation it's that disconnected feeling you have when you straighten up but I try not to let it bother me too much.

You have a G25 wheel?
If so, what are the settings you use? I have the Logitech Gaming Software 5.10 version with some limited settings, and in game I have...standard I think, not done much there

Quote from Kristi :ty dude.

Happy to help for a change (and not just beeing a miserable shitbag lol) ^_^
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :I complained about the steering's behavior around the "straight-ahead" shortly after the release but I don't think many people cared or agreed.
It's oscillation and probably difficult to eradicate completely without zero latency in the FFB, but AC is very prone to it and simply put the steering is rubbish at finding the angle of least resistance (imo it has an effect on slide correction too). Yes you can hold the wheel tighter, but the wheel still "wants" to do it and you can feel it. I often find I wiggle the wheel after I straighten up out of a corner, and it's not on purpose.

edit: "Slip effects" is a joke surely. I reckon they got annoyed with people complaining about the FFB and decided to have a laugh. The wheel just kicks side to side for no reason when a wheel is locked up under braking, it's very strange.

Yes! Well put, excactly what happens to me! I feel the wheel having an god damn seizure in my hands, and it's really starting to botter me more and more. If I dont keep it firm all the time - it will spin out itself, even in slow speed.

Too bad it just seems like we're the only ones caring tho, so can't expect it to get fixed

The Very End
S3 licensed
About jerking, the wheel.... fuk that sounded wrong.. ANYWAY! When driving straight, if I take my hands of the wheel it goes batshit insane and whomples back and forth til I spin around. Is this realistic in these cars? I know ofc. there are elevation and changes in the surface, but it seems very predictable: Release wheel and it goes back and forth straight away.

Any ways to get this to stop?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :What's the music in that?

Jan Hammer: Crockett's Theme
The Very End
S3 licensed
Alltho I agree with you that LFS seems a tad more, well, responsive or raw-feeling, I have no idea what is actually realistic. I do not know how a race car behaves at it's limits, if it's like LFS uncontrolled way or ACs more controlled madness.

But in a other discussion it seemed like people belived that everything had to be super hard to be realistic, while some others pointed out that some cars really are more easy to drive in real life compared to their gaming counterpart.

As you said, LFS was groundbreaking for it's time, but I'm not sure if I would call it that still.

Also if you take away the graphics, the way the games looks and feels these days is better, more modern. Like the UI or just menues, everything looks more slick and fresh, while LFS really look like a game from the early 2ks. Also the design itself is lazy, by that I mean tracks. There is (except South City and to some level Fern Bay) no details around the tracks and the tracks is made out of various combinations rather than new enviroments. Now, in the start it was ok, but Aston is everything I hate with LFS. Tracks / courses that are too similar, zero details around the track, all washed out and uncollored enviroment... it really is not feeling fresh at all. All these smalls things here and there which could have been done over the years is just like "**** that, we are doing tyre physics". If you remove everything that is entitled as S3 stuff, these are things that should have been upgraded while tyre physics was under development:

1: More advanced damage system
2: Facelift of menues and the look of the game, not talking about graphics here
3: Update to the classes (cars), ballancing them better
4: Update / upgrade the interior of the cars that are allready in the game
5: That Westhill update, aswell as updating the other tracks like they did with the South City

I had more in my head, but forgot them allong the way on this post. Point is, the tyre physics seems to be the downfall of LFS, as it takes ages to complete. Meanwhile the world marches on to develope new interesting projects. We're still stuck at the start :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
Allrighty then! Remember many had access to the LX8 for a while, so guess it got spread out pretty good ;p Too bad I never got to try that thing ;/

Are you sure about the miami track? I'm pretty, not completely sure, that someone stated sometime back that it was an early shot of the South City.

But if Im wrong; WHY THE **** WOULD THEY SCRAP IT? ARE THEY RETARDED?! Too similiar? Most stupid reason for scrapping a track I'v ever heared.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Nice thanks!

Also in the link above (not the first one) the top place is a cookie bar Gotta go in there too!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :What, the car, rockingham or S3, you asking an open ended question here?

VW - Yeah may never get released, like the LX8
Rockingham - Yeah again, like the early Miami Track that was never released
S3 - Hell no...S1, S2 and will follow S3

There is new track/tracks as Scawen already mentioned in his update, so there is loads to come, just maybe not was promised, as times, physics, DX updates, the list is endless changes all the while.

On a personal note, am I looking forward to another FWD Road I am not, would I love a FWD RACE car and CLASS hell year, as I love the BTCC and to have more than 1 car being about to complete would be great and like I said before, the old MG Miget, Austin Healy, Hilman Imp or something like that with 2-3 classes, this would add so much to LFS online, as this is where is really all happens

This would add loads to online championships


Just to arrest you on some points here mate
  • LX8 was released, alltho only a very short time and in a very limited patch. Later they made it so that you could not connect to the server if you did not have the newest patch, which removed the LX8 because ... well fukc knows, some random crap about beeing too hard to drive or what not ^^
  • The miami track is actually and early development shot of the track which we later got to know as the South City.
Anything new would be fun, but to be honest I think Scawen has taken a task which he will not be able to finish, and therfor, we'll most likely never see S3. :sadbanana
The Very End
S3 licensed
Is that a resturant, street, city, or what?